One Year Later

A year ago today, my first-ever published book, Beyond the Red, was officially out in the world.


It's pretty amazing to think about, and a lot has changed since then. My publisher bought the rest of the trilogy, Into the Black (out this Fall) and The Rising Gold (out Fall 2018). I did my first-ever mini book tour with some author friends, taught at a conference and did my first signings, school and library visits. I graduated college, started freelancing, cried over an election, reconnected with family members I'd never met, got sick a lot, became more politically active, briefly worked in a bookstore, started new medication, and more. I wrote three manuscripts in a year, one of which was revised and turned into my editor, the other which is in the revision process, and a third I'll look at later. I'm looking into major life changes, filling out more applications for things than my brain wants to handle, got into my first-ever car accident (I'm okay!) and finally got the laptop I'd been saving forever for.

It's been a whirlwind of a year. And looking back, there isn't much I can point to and say I wish I'd done differently.

In that time I've learned a ton. About publishing, about writing, about myself and my limits and what I can push myself to do. I've been trying to learn to be patient with myself as I try to navigate life with a body I can't always trust. And I've been trying to pace myself, especially lately, while mentally juggling more projects and deadlines and life things than I know what to do with. Some days are easier than others, but the important thing is I'm progressing and I'm proud of the books I'm working on. I can't wait to share them with you guys.

It's been a year since my debut and what a year it's been. And I'm looking forward to many, many more.

What has your last year been like? 

Twitter-sized bite: 
A year after debuting, author @Ava_Jae looks back. (Click to tweet)
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