Discussion: What Are Your Favorite MG Reads?

Photo credit: Valerie Everett on Flickr
I've kind of made a pact with myself that I'd like to read more Middle Grade this year, in large part because even though most of what I read is YA, my experience with MG has always been positive. From Artemis Fowl, to the Percy Jackson series, to The False Prince trilogy, to George, and The Last Great Adventure of the PB&J Society, I've really yet to pick up a Middle Grade book I didn't enjoy.

My knowledge of Middle Grade books, however, is super limited. I've got quite a few excellent ones on my TBR, like The Gauntlet, Ravenous, Furthermore, The Lost Hero, The Sword of Summer, The Pants Project, Finding Perfect, Some Kind of HappinessAmina's Voice, Love Sugar Magic, and Escape from Aleppo, but as I'd like to expand my Middle Grade repertoire, I figured what better way than to ask.

So who are your favorite MG authors? What are your favorite MG books? I'm especially trying to focus on MG reads with marginalized characters, if at all possible, but I'm pretty open to anything as long as it's well-paced. Shout out your recs!

Twitter-sized bite:
What are your favorite MG reads and authors? Join the discussion on @Ava_Jae's blog. (Click to tweet)
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