Top 4 Favorite Book Boyfriends

Photo credit: sarah gabriela on Flickr
So I’ve been doing lots of reading this year, which is very exciting and awesome and someone on Twitter suggested I write a post about my favorite book boyfriends. So, I mean, I couldn’t not.

Fun post, here we go:

  • Nikolai Lantsov (The Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo)

    So, I read Siege and Storm, which is the book where Nikolai makes his debut, two years ago. And I’m pretty darn sure he’ll always stay on my favorite book boyfriends list, because he has remained at the top ever since. And I mean, snarky pirate with A+ flirting skills and a heart of gold, so, like how could he not be?

  • Kash (The Girl from Everywhere by Heidi Heilig)

    I am super lucky in that I got to read this book early (TGFE releases in February 2016!) but Kash, oh man. He leapt onto my list pretty much immediately. I guess I have a thing for pirates because he is indeed part of a pirate crew (though so is the protag) and he’s also a ridiculously good thief, and is snarky, and swoony, and so good and sweet and UGH Kash. I need more.

  • Gabriel Boutin (Half Bad trilogy by Sally Green)

    It’s a little hard for me to talk about Gabriel without spoiling anything, but he very quickly exceeded my expectations and grew from minor character to character I desperately need good things to happen to. Crossing my fingers that said good things do indeed happen in Half Lost

  • Kenji Kishimoto (Shatter Me trilogy by Tahereh Mafi)

    The funny thing about Kenji making this list is he’s not even a love interest in the series—but doesn’t matter! Because he’s been my favorite since he showed up in Shatter Me. Kenji is kind of the comic relief—so yes, he’s snarky—and he’s mostly hilarious and also just a wonderful character. If Kenji got his own book, I would totally read it. 

Who are your favorite book boyfriends (or girlfriends)?

Twitter-sized bite:

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