Diverse Books Resource List

Photo credit: Yours truly
Being part of the online bookish community and very much supportive of the We Need Diverse Books movement, I've seen a lot of really amazing lists of diverse books for readers to easily find. It occurred to me, however, that most of these lists are pretty scattered all over the interwebs, and so it might be good to put a bunch of them together on the same page to make it easy for readers looking for all manner of diverse books to be able to go to one place. 

Thus the idea was born! And I started searching. 

While this is by no means an exhaustive list, I was able to find a pretty sizable amount of really awesome curated lists that bring attention to books with representation all across the board. I'll try to update this post as I see new lists, but this is what I have so far and I think it's a pretty decent start. :)

The whole list is organized alphabetically. Enjoy! 

Disability lists:

Race, Ethnicity, & Religion-related lists:

QUILTBAG+ lists:

Lists that reach across categories:

* = suggested from readers! Thanks, guys! :)

Where do you go to find diverse books?

Twitter-sized bite: 
Looking for places to find diverse books? @Ava_Jae puts together resources to find representation across the board. (Click to tweet)
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