Discussion: What Books Will You Be Asking for This Holiday Season?

Photo credit: me (maybe I went Christmas shopping early, okay?)
It’s no secret by now to my family and friends that if there’s a gift-giving occasion coming, I’m going to want books. Or gift cards so I can buy books. Because books.

For fun, and because I obviously don’t have enough books on my TBR shelf (you know, only 185 and counting), I thought it might be fun to share the books I’ll be hoping for this Christmas and see some of the books you guys want to get. 

Here are (some) of the books I’ll be crossing my fingers for this season! 

How about you? What books will you be asking for this holiday season?

Twitter-sized bite: 
.@Ava_Jae shares her Christmas book wish list for this holiday season. What books will you be hoping for this year? (Click to tweet)
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