Discussion: What’s Your Favorite Part of the Writing Process?

Photo credit: Léoo on Flickr
If you had asked me what my favorite part of the writing process was when I first began writing, I would have answered it without a second thought—first drafting. I loved everything about the first draft, from the discovery of new characters and places, to experiencing the journey alongside my characters, to the wonderful feeling of accomplishment upon writing THE END on the last page. In my mind, no other writing process beat the thrill of a first draft.

Now don’t get me wrong—I still love first drafting for all of the same reasons and more, but over time I’ve come to realize that first drafting is no longer my favorite part of writing: revision is.

It feels like a strange confession considering it wasn’t that long ago that I was still trying to teach myself to learn to love the editing process, but I can honestly say that my view on a process that I once dreaded has changed entirely.

Because yes, the discovery process is easily one of my favorite aspects of writing, and I love meeting new characters and worlds with new rules and norms, but there’s something even more satisfying about diving into the story and really getting to know everything about it. I love learning all about my characters and watching them come to life on the page a little more after each revision. I love taking a rough draft full of potential and excitement and carving it into something better—into a fully realized story with depth and nuances and characters and situations brimming with so much energy that they feel real.

I love writing. And I adore revision because it reminds me of why I love writing so much in the first place. It reminds me that all of the time and effort I’ve put into this WIP is worth it, because I can see my work improving before my very eyes.

So while for me, first drafting is fun, revision has become even more exciting. And that’s fine by me.

Let the discussion begin: What is your favorite part of the writing process and why?
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