Let me start off by saying I need to
find some books that are less than five-star amazingness, because you guys are going to start to think I’m a softie that
gives everything five stars. I’m not. I promise.
I’ll admit that I caved into buying
this one because it was one of those books I suspected I should read and never really got around to picking up, but now
Borders is going out of business and I figured well, what better time than now? So I bought it.
And I read the first chapter. And I had a serious facepalm Why-did-I-wait-so-absurdly-long-to-read-this-book?-moment.
So without further ado, this is the
Goodreads summary:
“How do widely
published authors keep their stories burning hot? Learn how to supercharge
every story with deep conviction and, conversely, turn fiery passion into
effective story. The Fire in the Fiction shows you not only how to write
compelling stories filled with interesting settings and vivid characters, but
how to do it over and over again. With examples drawn from current novels, this
inspiring guide shows you how to infuse your writing with life.”
I mean it when I say my only regret
was not reading The Fire in Fiction
sooner. The advice is fantastic and the exercises at the end of the chapter are
more useful than I can even describe. I haven’t done all of them yet, but I
definitely will.
So if you’re looking for a good writing book, I highly
recommend this one. It covers everything from deepening characters (yes, even
your moustache-twirling antagonist) to writing interesting description to
weaving tension throughout your prose. It’s a fantastic read, and one I intend
to go through again with a highlighter or two.
So there you are, another book on craft to add to your TBR pile. What
are some of your favorite writing books?