FIRSTLY I am guest blogging on Thea Atkinson’s awesome blog about brainstorming! Actually due to the popularity of my brainstorming post here, it’s being reblogged there. BUT if you haven’t read the brainstorming post you totally should (it’s got some fun ideas and random bursts of sugar)! And if you HAVE read the Brainstorming post you should pop on over to Thea’s blog anyway because she’s amazing!
Yup. So go do that. I’ll wait.
Back? Ok excellent. Moving along, now.
SECONDLY the Harry Potter awesomeness is still going on this week. There’s a super awesome SCAVENGER HUNT and BURIED TREASURE TO BE FOUND. Ok, maybe not the treasure. But there ARE prizes. Excellent ones. So if you haven’t already, you should check it out.
THIRDLY this is a blog! And I have a post. It’s about Borders.
I love Borders. I feel like I grew up there, between its shelves. I love everything about it—the cool (but not overwhelming) quiet, the new book smell, the rows of brand new books, the café, the lounge chairs…
Especially the new book smell. They should bottle it and sell it. Or make a new book-smelling candle. Or something.
Right, digressing.
As I’m sure many if not all of you have heard, Borders has fallen and will soon be a memory like the Discovery Channel Store and Linens N’ Things. It’s a tragic loss.
I sort of summed up my thoughts in a tweet yesterday:
Yeah. Just think about that. It’s a tragedy.
To make matters worse, there’s this internet rumor going around that all Borders will be closed this Friday. It gave me a near heart attack when I heard it. THIS FRIDAY? BUT SO SOON!
So I went to Borders and asked about it. Good news is the guy I talked to said they’d probably be open for about a month or so since that’s how long liquidation usually takes. Evidently the only thing happening on Friday is the decision of how to liquidate the stores.
So. If you are fortunate enough to still have a Borders near you like I do, you need not panic. If my informant is right (and I sincerely hope he is), you have a month to relish in the last days of Borders' awesomeness.
Then when the liquidation sales hit, you also have time to go stock up on those books you’ve been wanting to read. Silver lining.
Bad news, is in a few months, Borders will be a memory. And that’s a sad thing indeed.
R.I.P. Borders. We’ll miss you.