“Every author in some way portrays himself in his works, even if it be against his will.” –Goethe
Be yourself. Two words most of us have heard since kindergarten, repeated endlessly almost to the point of cliché.
But the funny thing about those two ever-repeated words is that out of all the writing tips I could think of, this one stuck out to me the most. And it’s not just a writing tip really, it’s a life tip.
Be genuine.
But what does that have to do with that super-awesome fantabulous quote at the top? you wonder. It’s simple, really.
As the quote says above, parts of yourself will evidently end up in your writing (or any other art form, really). It’s inevitable. For writing, it’s in the cadence of your words, the essence of your story, the life of your characters—it’s intertwined into the very fiber of your work.
So if you’re trying to “improve” yourself by pretending to be someone you’re not, it will also, inevitably, show in your writing. It’ll come out stilted, forced and unnatural. People will notice.
For some people being genuine comes naturally—as it should. For others, it’s intimidating. There’s the fear of rejection and the fear of being viewed as a fake (even though you’re truly trying to be just you), to name a few.
But friends, being open and being yourself is key. In your writing. In your workplace. In your life.
Don’t be afraid to be honest in your writing—someone will taste its truth and it will resonate.
Don’t be afraid to be real on your blog, your Twitter, your tumblr, whatever your social media savvy is—your personality is what will make it special.
Don’t be afraid to be you—you are special, you are unique and no one else can do you better.
And for fun…favorite quotes! GO!