Another Guest Post Contest!

Photo credit: Rick Payette on Flickr
It's that time again! I'm going to be traveling in May, so I've decided to run another guest post contest! I've done this twice before and the results have always been fantastic so I'm happy to do it again. I've got 4-5 openings for posts in May, which will be up Monday the 8th, Wednesday the 10th, Friday the 12th, Wednesday the 17th, and possibly Friday the 19th. I'll be accepting posts from TODAY to Friday, April 21st, and I'll notify those who have been chosen on the 28th.

Posts should be about writing, books or publishing. I’ll also accept posts about social media geared to writers (i.e.: my tumblr for writers post). Before you submit, make sure I haven’t already covered the topic you’ve written about (or are thinking you might write about) by checking my directory. As of this post, I’ve written 1,121 posts, so I’ve covered, um, a lot.

That said, if I've written about something you'd like to write about, but you have another take on it, or different tips, etc. you're welcome to enter a post on that topic. As long as it's not too similar to what I already have, it'll work. :)

Keep in mind! I’m all for taking a subject that might not traditionally be writing-related and show how it could be helpful to writers. Or put a writerly spin on it. Or something.

As for what I’m looking for, I'd love to host some new voices here on Writability. Bonus points to posts that make me laugh. Or think. Or see something in a new way. Given the political climate, I'm also open to political posts if they relate to writers or writing in some way.

The four to five posts I choose will include a mini-bio of the writer (you!) and up to five links of your choosing, which should hopefully get you some nice exposure since Writability gets pretty steady views (on average over 1,000 hits a day). I also expect that you try to answer any comments on your guest post because the community here is wonderful and they'd love to hear from you!

If I don’t get enough entries, I’ll just write up more posts myself. Or if I don’t feel the entries are quite what I’m looking for, I’ll write up posts myself. So as was the case with the last guest post contest, whether or not this works entirely depends on you guise.

So you’re interested in entering? Awesome!

  • Please use my contact form between now and Friday, April 21st 11:59PM EST to enter a guest post that you have written. The very first line should be "GUEST POST CONTEST ENTRY" in all caps. Like that. Copy and paste the whole post into the message box there below the first line.

  • You may enter as many posts as you like, as long as they meet the requirements.

  • Posts should be between 100 and 500 words. 250 is roughly average and anything longer than 500 will probably not be chosen. 

  • Please use block formatting (no indents, single space, double space between paragraphs, plain text) to make my life easy when copying and pasting. 

  • I’ll choose four to five of my favorite entries. What makes them my favorite may vary. Be yourself, write something that would work well subject-wise on this blog and you've got yourself a good shot. 

  • In the event that I get way more entries than I expected, I reserve the right to close the entry period early. Conversely, if I don't get enough entries that I think would fit, I may choose less than four or five (or none at all).

Good luck!

Twitter-sized bite:
Want a chance to guest post on a blog with +1,000 hits/day? @Ava_Jae is hosting a guest post contest until 4/21/17! (Click to tweet)
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