2017 Guest Post Contest Winners!

Photo credit: Т E R E S Λ R O M Λ N O on Flickr
So firstly! I want to thank all of you who entered, because like last time, I was so, so impressed with not only how many entries there were, but how difficult it was to narrow it down to five posts because you guise are so talented! I absolutely want to encourage those of you who didn't get their posts chosen to post your entries on your own blog, because they should definitely be shared. :)

Okay, so! I do have five winners, whose posts will be up on May 8th, 10th, 12th, 17th, and 19th. And the winners are:


  • Mary Kate Pagano
  • Jennifer Austin
  • Rafia Khader
  • Rachel Linn
  • M.E. Bond

Huzzah! Congratulations, all—I'll be e-mailing everyone shortly with your date and additional things I need from you.

To all the other entrants, thank you again for entering! I want to re-emphasize that all of the entries were fantastic, and I had to not choose a bunch of really good ones so please don't be discouraged. You all rock. 

I'm very much looking forward to sharing these awesome guest posts with everyone! I know you guise will love them. :)
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