So back in 2012 I wrote this blog post on why I've yet to write a sequel, in which I said, "I like to think of writing a sequel as a reward, or a celebration of sorts. You see, I've made this unwritten pact with myself that I won't write a sequel until I've sold a book, so the ability to write a series has, in a sense, become a sort of milestone for me."

I kept this unwritten pact with myself for years. And then last month I got some really amazing news that I've been sitting on impatiently but now I can FINALLY share it and I'm SO EXCITED because:

In case you can't read it! It says!

"Ava Jae's INTO THE BLACK and THE RISING GOLD, the second and third book in the BEYOND THE RED trilogy, wherein an heir to the world throne is abducted by a rebel group of redbloods who won't release him until he swears to help them overthrow the very government he's inheriting, forcing an alien ex-queen and a skilled prince-turned-bounty hunter to attempt to find him before it's too late for both the future king and his kingdom, to Nicole Frail, at Sky Pony Press, for publication in Fall 2017 and 2018, by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency (World). Foreign: Biagi Literary Management Film: The Kohner Agency" 


I'm feeling like


and also

Basically I'm really friggin' excited about it and I can't wait to share more of Kora and Eros's journey with everyone and fiiiinally be able to answer questions about sequels with YES, THERE WILL BE MORE I PROMISE.

Also I guess now I can say the WIPThing I've been tweeting about first drafting is in fact Into the Black (book two!). And it's been so fun to write. I'm really, really psyched about it and doubly so now that I can say you'll all be able to read it in Fall 2017. Next year! YAY! And you can add them both on Goodreads here and here!

So a million thanks to my agent Louise Fury and editor Nicole Frail for making this possible and also my CPs and betas who answered my call for quick edits when working on proposal stuff and damn, I am one happy camper. Thank you. 

And to every reader and reviewer—you guys made this possible too by supporting Red. Seriously, without your support—from buying to checking it out at the library to reviewing to sending tweets—this would not be happening. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

On to 2017! :D
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