Current Impending TBR

Photo credit: ZapTheDingbat on Flickr
So I've been doing pretty well with my reading goal this year so far. I've currently read 39 books in 2016 (I'm aiming for 70), which puts me three books ahead of schedule. Between the library, ARCs, my owned TBR and books I can't help but purchase, I always have an abundance of books on hand—it's just a matter of deciding what to read next.

Just the other day I finished The Accident Season by Moïra Fowley-Doyle, so currently, the next couple books I plan to read include:
  1. The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Choksi
  2. The Last Leaves Falling by Fox Benwell (w/a Sarah Benwell)
  3. Sekret by Lindsay Smith
  4. Skandal by Lindsay Smith
  5. Fast Connection by Megan Erickson and Santino Hassel
  6. ???
I put question marks at number six, because I don't know what I'll pick up from the library when I return my library books, which is kind of half the fun of going to the library. I have my eye on Denton's Little Deathdate, but whether or not I get it will depend on if I happen to find it that day.

And of course, this isn't set in stone, but I just started The Star-Touched Queen shortly after I wrote this post (Monday), and I've been dying to finally read The Last Leaves Falling and Sekret and Skandal forever, and Fast Connection just released so I'm psyched about that too, which means those will likely be my next picks...but we'll see what happens. 

All of this is to say reading is fun and talking about books is fun, so now I'm going to ask you guys: what books are on your imminent TBR list?

Twitter-sized bite: 
What books are on your (very) soon-to-read TBR list? Join the discussion on @Ava_Jae's blog. (Click to tweet)
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