Discussion: What Does Your (Owned) TBR List Look Like?

Photo credit: susivinh on Flickr
So it’s March 25, and I’ve read eighteen books so far this year, which I’m 99.9% is a new record for me. I’m seven books ahead of schedule in my reading challenge (I don’t know how this happened, exactly, but voila!), and I’m in the middle of two books right now.

And yet, my TBR list of books that I own is pretty intimidating. In a good way. But uh, it’s a lot. (And let’s not talk about the TBR list of books I don’t own, but want rather badly—that list is out of control.)

I’m pretty positive I won’t read all of the books I own before the end of the year. But despite that, I’ll continue to buy more at every opportunity (and will do so with a smile on my face. Some might call it an addiction. I call it a passion).

Here are just a sample of some of the books at the top of said list:

As I’ve spoken to a rather large sampling of bookworms online, I know this happy epidemic of buying or borrowing books despite owning many many many unread books is a laughably common thing. And the funny thing is, the more I read every year, the more the list grows (probably because I buy books more quickly? I don’t know).

As this seemed like a rather fun discussion, I thought I’d turn the table over to you guys. Do you have an owned TBR list? What are some of the books on the top of yours? 

Twitter-sized bite:
What does your owned TBR list look like? Join the discussion on @Ava_Jae's blog. (Click to tweet)
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