You guys.

You guys!



Okay, it's kind of cut off so in case you can't read it, it saysss...

"Ava Jae's debut BEYOND THE RED, in which a feud on a distant, crimson planet with established nanite technology creates a violent uprising that threatens the reign of a teenage queen and forces her to turn to her rebel half-blood bodyguard for help, before the planet's human population is destroyed at the hands of her power-hungry twin brother, to Nicole Frail at Sky Pony Press, in a nice deal, for publication in early 2016, by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency in association with Rachel Brooks of the L. Perkins Agency (World)." 


I don’t really even know what to say besides


and also a whole lotta

My book is going to be a thing! That you can all read! In early 2016! I’m going to be a published author! AHHHH!

It’s so crazy to me that in a little over a year, I’ll be able to hold my book. In my hand. And you guys can read it. AND IT'LL BE IN HARDCOVER. (*SQUEEE*)

You can also add it to your Goodreads shelf HERE. (I can't believe I can actually say that. WHAT IS THIS LIFE?).


I will probably at some point write a more coherent post about this, but in the meantime I want to thank my incredible agent Louise Fury, and Team Fury and Rachel Brooks who all put so much time and amazing hard work into making this book amazing and believing in it, and selling it and I just—GROUP HUG, OKAY GUYS?

Also my CPs.

Also you guys.

Also just the whole incredibly amazing writing community who are my favorite online community ever.

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