Helpful NaNoWriMo Links

Photo credit: mpclemens on Flickr
It’s the first day of NaNoWriMo! Which means, if you’re participating, and you’re here reading this post, you’re probably procrastinating. Or taking a break. Or procrastinating.

So short post today, because you should be writing. And so should I.

But that’s ok! Because in honor of thousands of writers around the world jumping in full steam ahead and making words happen today, I’ve decided to share some links with helpful NaNoWriMo tips, both from the archives here at Writability and from across the interwebs.

So here we go!

For those still not sure whether or not to participate (it’s not too late!)

For those in the WriMo trenches:

Good luck, my fellow NaNoers! Remember that Write or Die is your friend, the writing community is here to cheer you on, and above all—keep writing! 

Twitter-sized bites: 
In honor of #NaNoWriMo, here are some tips compiled from the interwebs and Writability. (Click to tweet)  
Are you participating in #NaNoWriMo? Here are some motivational links and tips compiled just for you. (Click to tweet
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