Discussion: Do You Write at a Specific Time?

Photo credit: North Charleston on Flickr
My favorite time to write is in the morning. While I don’t get up before the sun to do so, I often like to start the day by getting a blog post written or my first writing sprint completed.

While I don’t accomplish this as consistently as I would maybe like, I love the feeling of having completed all of my daily writing goals before noon. It gives me the freedom of having the rest of the day to blow those goals out of the water (assuming I have the rest of the day open to do so), or getting whatever else I need done with the satisfying knowledge that I’ve already accomplished what I needed to as far as writing goes.

However, while this is my favorite time to write, as I don’t get up ridiculously early to do it, it isn’t always feasible. While I suppose I could get up at five or so in the morning if I wanted to, until I find the inner strength to do so, I suspect I will continue with some late night writing sprints.

The difference for me, is that when I start earlier, I tend to be much more ambitious. Rather than stopping after meeting my minimum goal, I’ll do another sprint or two later on when I have the chance, and completely decimate the minimum while I’m at it. And it feels fantastic.

When I write later in the day, however, I’ll usually stop after meeting my quota. This is because I am at my laziest at the end of the day—I’m perfectly content to sit sloth-like in front of my monitor and catch up on my Hulu queue, or scroll through Twitter and tumblr until my eyes glaze over. Or sign off early and read. Reading is good, too.

I share this with you, because I’d like to hear about your writing habits. Do you have a specific time that you clock into writer-mode every day, or is your writing time more sporadic?  

Twitter-sized bites: 
Do you write at a specific time? Join the discussion on @Ava_Jae's blog! (Click to tweet)  
This writer prefers to write in the morning, but what about you? (Click to tweet)
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