How (Not) to Write a Blog Post

Photo credit: Mikael Miettinen on Flickr
  1. Open up a Pages/Word/TextPad/Whatever document. 
  2. Stare at the screen for a minimum of thirty minutes. 
  3. Scroll through your Twitter stream to look for “inspiration.” *wink wink* 
  4. Check your e-mail. And tumblr. And Facebook. 
  5. Open up that blank document again. 
  6. Realize you’re hungry and eat breakfast.
    1. Watch the newest episode of Project Runway while eating breakfast. 
    2. Get totally distracted and watch the full hour-long episode instead of just fifteen minutes like you planned.
  7. Stare at that blank document for another fifteen minutes while internally brainstorming some blog post ideas. 
  8. Start daydreaming about the ending of that Project Runway episode, instead. 
  9. Remember that reading is awesome inspiration and pick up a book. 
  10. Read ten chapters before realizing that you still haven’t written that post. 
  11. Read one more chapter. 
  12. Just one more. 
  13. Okay, THIS is the last one, I swear.
  14. Wait. The author KILLED OFF YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTER? Throw the book aside and sit down in front of that blog post again. 
  15. Stare for another ten minutes. 
  16. Remember you haven’t done laundry in too long and get that done. 
  17. Oh, and you really should do those dishes while you’re at it. 
  18. Is that a spot on the counter? Maybe you should clean that, too. 
  19. Sit down at your computer and actually start brainstorming for that blog post. 
  20. Oh look! Your CP sent you another chapter. Time for reading! 
  21. You’re hungry again. You can’t really be expected to write a decent blog post on an empty stomach, can you? Eat lunch. 
  22. Realize that a new episode of Vikings is on Hulu, too. Watch that as you eat. 
  23. This episode is ridiculously good and there’s only another half hour left. What’s another half hour? Finish the episode. 
  24. Rage about the end of the episode as you sit down to write that post again. 
  25. Your phone is ringing. You should get that. 
  26. Talk to your grandma for five minutes. Act surprised when those five minutes turns into an hour. 
  27. Open up that document and put it in fullscreen mode. You’re getting serious now. It’s time to actually write this darned post. 
  28. Stare. 
  29. Stare.
  30. Stare.
  31. Stare. 
  32. Get frustrated and write a post about how not to write a blog post. 


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