Blogging, a Year Later: Thank You

Photo credit: yanyanyanyanyan on Flickr
Roughly a year ago (on May 6th 2011, to be exact), I did this thing where I started a blog. It was very tan and red then, and the banner wasn’t half as attractive (think: block of red with white text on it) and there was a hugenormous picture of books in the background because I like books.

Roughly a year ago I put up my very first post ever, in which I rambled a lot and might have said something about tying the metaphorical manifestation of writing to a chair and shoving Ritalin down her throat and I might have mentioned brownies a couple of times. I’ll admit it was a strange first post.

I bring this up because a year ago when I launched Writability, I never imagined that twelve months later I’d have over 100,000 pageviews and so many amazing followers. And I’m not saying that to brag—I just want to thank you guys, because after putting up my first post I thought, well, if one person reads this and likes it, it’ll be worth it, and well…you’ve made this experience more than worth it.

I’ve learned so much from this blog, from the fantastic discussions with you amazing commenters, from forcing myself to think up three posts a week, even when I was sure I wouldn’t be able to think of anything.

If you’re new to this blog, then I want to welcome you and say thanks for stopping by. I hope you stick around enjoy interacting with the Writability community here as much as I do.

If you’ve been a follower and you’ve joined the discussion, then I want to thank you for your wonderful support. Your input, advice and opinions have made this experience an incredible one. An extra thanks to Daniel Swensen, Jennifer Bennett, Susan Sipal, Matthew Rowe and Jeremy Feijten for being such awesome and active community members.

If you’ve been a follower and you haven’t really commented before, I want to thank you for your silent support, and I hope that you’ll join the discussion someday soon.

In short if you’re here, reading my words, then you have my gratitude. All of you are amazing, so thank you. Thank you.

In celebration of Writability’s first birthday I’d like to share with you the top five most popular posts thus far, as chosen by your fantastic support:

  1. Why Writers Must Read
  2. 5 Writing Myths
  3. What Makes a Great First Sentence?
  4. Writing Quickly: A Secret Strategy
  5. How to Finish Writing a Novel

I couldn’t have done it without you guys. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 
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