Discussion: What Are Your Goals for the Rest of 2017?

Photo credit: paul bica on Flickr
So! Originally I had a fixing the first page critique scheduled for today, but the winner never sent me their excerpt and I didn't have enough time to draw a new winner, so instead let's discuss! Because discussions are fun.

There are 37 days of 2017 left (I know, right?). And with the new year approaching, I thought it might be fun to talk about what you'd like to accomplish before 2018 dawns. Mine include:

  • I already talked about my book goals so I won't reiterate them, but in short: read a ton of books for fun. 
  • Finish THE RISING GOLD revisions. 
  • Build the end table that's been sitting in my room for too long. 
  • Get at least one bookshelf situated (yay!).
  • Finish playing Final Fantasy XV.
  • R E L A X

It's been a very intense Fall for me, but with things soon winding down, I'm very much looking forward to some much-needed Me time. And with that comes (hopefully) completing some goals that I've been wanting to accomplish for a while. 

What about you? What are your goals for the rest of 2017?

Twitter-sized bite:
What are you goals for the rest of 2017? Join the discussion on @Ava_Jae's blog. (Click to tweet)
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