Changing Social Media Strategies in Changing Times

Photo credit: purity9090 on Flickr
Sometimes I think back to a year or two ago when my Twitter feed was 98% about books and publishing and everything therein. About a year ago as the election revved up, that slowly started shifting, but the real adjustment came just a couple months before the election.

Now my feed is mostly political with a smattering of book and writing stuff thrown in. Because our world is different.

The other day I talked to a Twitter friend and agent sibling about this necessary shift. We agreed that in this dangerous political climate it sometimes felt weird to tweet book, writing, or publishing stuff at all when there was so much going on. I've taken the tactic of tweeting bookish stuff when it comes up without preamble because unfortunately we are now in the days where there's always something going on. But it does still feel like an odd mix sometimes.

The world is changing and it's on us to make our voices heard. That means calling our representatives and senators about issues that are important to us, and encouraging others to do the same. That means educating ourselves every day, sharing information and fighting disinformation. That means marching when you can, donating to organizations doing the work when you can, supporting journalists, remaining vigilant, and speaking up.

So, yeah, my feed has drastically changed over the last year. And while I'm sad that it's necessary, I don't regret the shift for a second. This is too important.

Some journalists, political activists, and publications I've found incredibly enlightening and helpful to follow in these times include (in no particular order):

All in all, times are changing and it's up to us to respond appropriately. I'm making a point to stay actively engaged because I can't sit back and do nothing. And it starts with this. 

Have you shifted your social media strategies over the last several months? 

Twitter-sized bite: 
Author @Ava_Jae talks shifting social media feeds in volatile times. Have your social media feeds changed? (Click to tweet)
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