What Books Must You Read Before 2017?

Photo credit: Lynn Friedman on Flickr
So, incredibly we have just over two months left of 2016 which means, if you're anything like me, you're looking at your reading challenge and laughing nervously about how you're going to read seventeen more books before the end of the year. Or you're looking at your TBR shelf and thinking about what books you want to squeeze in before the New Year. Or both.

I am firmly in the both category and thought it might be fun to talk about what books you guys plan to definitely (try) to read before 2017. Because my list is growing, which is good because those seventeen books aren't going to read themselves.

The books on my list include:

Most of those I either own, have pre-ordered, or have ARCs for, and the rest I plan to hunt down at my library, which I've confirmed are there. And because of course it's totally not too early to be thinking about Christmas list books, I'll be asking for these:

How about you? What do you aim to read before 2017 and/or plan to ask for in December?

Twitter-sized bite:
What are some of your must reads before 2017? Join the discussion on @Ava_Jae's blog. (Click to tweet)

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