Discussion: What Are You Reading?

Photo credit: Capture Queen on Flickr
So after a crazy day of ten plus hours of revisions on Wednesday, I finished the latest round of revisions on the #YAFantasyWIP. Which means it's time to relax, look for betas, and let my brain rest.

Also, it's time to catch up on my reading. 

When I get really heavy into revisions, I generally don't read nearly as much as usual, because by the time I'm done working for the day, my brain is pretty tired of words. So I didn't read much of anything since finishing my research books and diving into revisions, despite having quite a few books I'm dying to get into. 

Which brings me to this post. 

Right now, I'm about halfway through Second Position by Katherine Locke, which I put down for a bit so I could revise, and now am going to dive back into in earnest. Next up on the list is Made You Up by Francesca Zappia which I've been dying to read forever, then More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera, which arrived at my door recently and I'm super psyched about. 

From there will be Far From You by Tess Sharpe—another book I've heard loads about and am very eager to read—and then All the Rage by Courtney Summers, which I won in a giveaway (eep!). 

After that I have plenty more owned TBR books (including, but not limited to, The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey, Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor, Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas and Heartsick by Caitlin Sinead) that I'm super psyched to read, and also a pre-order of Focus On Me by Megan Erickson which will magically appear on my Nook on July 21st (and be promptly magically devoured by me). 

So yeah. Lots of reading. Lots of books. Lots to look forward to. 

And now I'm opening up discussion to you guys—what are you reading?

Twitter-sized bite:
What are you currently reading (or looking forward to reading)? Join the discussion on @Ava_Jae's blog. (Click to tweet)
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