Discussion: What’s Your Writing Dream?

Photo credit: Loving Earth on Flickr
I’ve often said that every writer’s journey is different, that we all follow different paths and have different goals and methods of getting to our goals. And lately I’ve been thinking about those goals and how every writer has a different writing dream.

I thought it might be fun to share our writing dreams. They don’t have to be realistic, I just thought it’d be a fun and uplifting exercise to share with you guys. :)

For me, my ultimate writing dream is to be able to make a living doing what I love most—writing. I dream of seeing my books on the shelves, of holding a copy of my book in my hand, of walking into a bookstore and seeing my novel there.

What about you?

Twitter-sized bite: 
What’s your ultimate #writing dream? Join the discussion at @Ava_Jae’s blog. (Click to tweet
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