Half a Million Page View Giveaway

Photo credit: Selbe B on Flickr
Those of you who follow me on Twitter or like me on Facebook probably have heard that Writability passed a major milestone over the weekend. That’s right—500,000 page views.


Even though I’d been watching the numbers climb steadily to the big half-mil mark, it still felt pretty surreal to break the 500,000-view milestone. I am humbled and truly thankful for each and every one of my wonderful supporters. 

Yes, that means you. Reading the post right now. Thank you. 

Rather than go on for a few hundred words about how amazing you guys are (which hopefully you already know) and how grateful I am (which I am), I’d like to show you my gratitude by giving a little something back. And thus, the giveaway. 

I like critiquing. I’ve done a pretty decent share of it, from full-length works to samples, to queries and pitches, and I like to think that my feedback is at least somewhat helpful. Every pair of eyes helps, right? 

As the large majority of you lovely people are writers, I’ve decided to offer a critique of the first ten pages of your WIP. It doesn’t have to be polished, or even from a finished manuscript—the only requirements are that the first ten pages are complete and there isn’t any erotic material in those first ten pages because that’s not my thing. 

The last thing I’ll say is that I will actually critique your work. I’ve had friends and family ask me to edit something for them, then look horrified when I hand it back dripping in red ink, so if you enter the giveaway, please make sure you’re actually ready to receive a critique. There’s no harm in holding off if you’re not sure you’re at a stage prepared for that. 

This giveaway will be open for seven days and will close at midnight on August 1st. Good luck to all who enter (via the rafflecopter below), and thanks again for being awesome! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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