Why I'm Glad I Joined Twitter

Photo credit: Coletivo Membembe on Flickr
Roughly a year ago (on April 10, 2011, to be exact), I did something I never imagined I would do: I created a Twitter account. Had you told me just a few weeks before that fated day that a year from then I’d be an active Twitter user, I would've thought it a joke. Me? An active Twitter user? Funny.

Well. After reading post after post about how it takes about three years to build a solid platform, I took a leap, figuring I might as well try it out for a couple of weeks before I decide it’s not for me. I made a pact with myself that if I reached 150 followers, I’d finally start that blog I’d been putting off for so long.

I didn’t really expect to meet my goal, especially not in a couple of weeks. But I did. And something weird happened: I realized I actually liked Twitter. A lot.

Because for every “my cat just threw up a magical hairball on the carpet” tweet, there were three of these:

Because I was suddenly able to connect to a whole community of wonderful writers I never knew existed.

Because I was discovering incredible new books and blogs daily.

Because people like @taherehmafi post tweets like this:

Because hashtag groups like #wordmongering motivated me to keep writing.

Because Twitter is more than just a site where people post about their ferrets and one-eyed gerbils; it’s a place of connections, of relationships, of sharing things that make us laugh and cry and smile and think and feel.

A year later I am convinced more than ever that Twitter is a fantastic resource for writers, and I couldn't be happier with my decision to join the party.

Do you have a Twitter account? If so, are you glad you joined? If not, why not?
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