Vlog: Why I Don't Have Guilty Pleasures

It's Tuesday vlog day! 

So someone asked me what my guilty pleasures were in terms of reading. And this is (the more eloquent version) of what I said.

Now I want to hear from you: do you have guilty pleasures in terms of books, TV shows, movies, etc.?

Twitter-sized bites: 
.@Ava_Jae says guilty pleasures "perpetuate this culture of shaming people for what they like." What do you think? (Click to tweet)  
Writer @Ava_Jae vlogs about why she doesn't have guilty pleasures. What do you think? (Click to tweet)


  1. I don't have guilty pleasures, not for the reason you gave but because if I think something is sh-tty; I don't watch it, read it, or deal with it.

  2. Well, yes, I don't watch or read anything that I consider junk, either. It wouldn't be pleasurable if I thought it was stupid. :)

  3. eh, I don't know o-e I don't think the "guilt" is supposed to be horribly or cripplingly shameful. I've never heard "Fifty Shades is my guilty pleasure because it's erotica, and erotica is embarrassing." If anything, a guilty pleasure is just when we know something is pretty bad and we still like it, it's not about what OTHER people think or what other people consider embarrassing. So it'd be like saying, "fifty shades is my guilty pleasure even though it makes an abusive relationship seem romantic; the erotica is nicely written and it's my fantasy."

    Like a lot of my guilty pleasures are with Korean or Japanese mangas with horrible female characters, exploitation of sex and violence, terrible or nonexistent plots, gaping plotholes, etc, etc. But I still like them. I know they're bad, but I can enjoy the art or even the theme, tension, or a character or two.

    It's got nothing to do with being ashamed, if anything, it's kind of an acceptance thing. We know this is dumb or horrible, but we still like it, and there's nothing wrong with that.

  4. AVA JAE WHICH BOOK SCARF DO YOU HAVE? (Sorry I get really excited over those things.)

  5. That's another way of looking at it. The reason I don't use it is because I have seen it as a shame tool—i.e.: Twilight is complete and utter trash and if you like it, it must be a guilty pleasure. But I get what you're saying about using it more to mean that you understand it has flaws, but you enjoy it anyway. (Though I wonder if that could be true for nearly anything?).

  6. I have her Alice in Wonderland scarf. I was torn between it and the Sherlock one. Got it for Christmas last year! :D

  7. I got mine for Christmas last year, too! I kind of want the black Raven one. And all of them.

  8. Totally want all of them. >_> We can have literary scarf collections.

  9. I like this plan. I like it a lot.
