Writer Bucket List Challenge

Photo credit: anitacanita on Flickr
So the super sweet Tammara Webber tagged me in a writer bucket list challenge thingie, and I actually really love her take on it—she wrote her bucket list as it would have been a couple years ago so she could check stuff off she’s already done. Which I think is awesome and that’s the way I’m going to handle it.

So if I’d written a writer bucket list a couple years ago (or any time before a year ago, really) this is what it would have looked like:

  1. Get an awesome agent. (Yay!) 
  2. Go to a writer’s conference. (More yay!) 
  3. Get a publishing contract. 
  4. See my book selling at Barnes & Nobles. 
  5. Make a living off my writing. 
  6. Becomes a NYT bestselling author (what, I can dream, right?). 
  7. Become someone’s favorite author. 
  8. Write someone’s favorite character. 
  9. Participate in a book signing. 
  10. Go on a book tour. 
  11. Be on a panel at a writing conference. 
  12. See one of my books adapted to film. 
  13. Live somewhere outside of the States. (Not really writing-related, but still). 

So those are the ones I can think of at the moment! Next up, I’m going to challenge my CP Vicki Leigh (whose book is coming out in A MONTH. What?) and NA author of adorableness Megan Erickson.

But I also want to hear from you—what items are on your writer bucket list? 

Twitter-sized bite: 
.@Ava_Jae shares her writer bucket list. What's on yours? (Click to tweet)


  1. I love this!! I may have to steal this idea :-)

  2. I'll take everything on yours, thanks. ;) Except live outside the US. I'd like to visit outside of it, certainly, but I'd miss my family too much to live outside. But I'll take a two week vacation someplace tropical, for sure! Or Venice, ooh, yes, I've always wanted to go there.

  3. It was totally fun! I actually recommend you try making a list right now (if you want to), because it's super fun to be able to check things off as they happen. :)

  4. Go ahead and steal it! It was totally fun. :)

  5. *passes you list* :)

    That's fair. I actually have family outside the country (and family that frequently visits out of the country) so that makes the international thing easier. But I totally understand that. And also two week vacations sound fabulous.
