Vlog: Do You Tell People You're a Writer?

So I've started doing this thing where when I meet people in person, I tell them I'm a writer. And this is why you might consider doing the same: 

Do YOU tell people you're a writer? 

Twitter-sized bites: 
.@Ava_Jae vlogs about why she's started telling people she's a writer. What do you think? (Click to tweet)  
Do YOU tell people you're a writer? Watch @Ava_Jae's vlog and join the discussion. (Click to tweet)


  1. I think most people assume I'm a writer because I'm always carrying around or writing into a notebook. But when they do ask, I have often said I wanted to be a published writer. I get really nervous when people ask because I'm afraid of their response. It's even worse if I get asked what my major is, because it sometimes feels like even other writers think an English/Creative Writing degree is useless.

    That said, I'm gonna take your word that it actually feels pretty good to just say "I'm a writer." I'll find a way to casually dodge weird questions or just answer them without freaking out xD

  2. I think "I want to be a published writer/author" is a safe answer, which is why I used to say it as well. But claiming the title of writer for yourself and saying it aloud to other people really does feel gratifying, and I definitely recommend it—after all, you deserve it! :)

  3. I won't say I'm a writer until I have work to show for myself. For instance, if they ask me what I've written or can they read my work, I'll be able to tell them "Yeah!".

  4. I totally understand wanting to be able to validate the title with something physical (i.e.: a book you can go out and buy), but in the meantime I hope you know that if you're already writing, you are a writer. :)

  5. I tell people I'm a writer. Granted it won't be the first thing I say, but if I'm asked, it's my answer. Writing's been such a big part of my life for years that it's what makes me who I am. Even if I only have a handful of shorts published, and even before any of that I told people I was a writer because it's what I am and what I want to be.

    Sure you get the occasional skeptic or someone shrewd but most people I've met are really curious about the process, so they ask questions about writing and the industry and I'm always excited to talk about those things.

  6. That's so awesome, Hannah! I agree it's not the first thing I say either (it's more of a "if it comes up basis"), but I find it's really great to be able to tell people. And when they are curious and ask questions, I kind of love it, too. It's so fun to talk about. :)

  7. I tell people I'm an author, but I will admit to feeling some shame about it because I feel like I haven't sold enough books for people to take me seriously, but it honestly doesn't matter how many books I've sold. I think that people think authors are people who hide in caves and never speak to real human beings because they often assume I'm not a real author just because they know me in person.
