Vlog: On Writing Messy Characters

Are your characters too perfect? Today I talk about writing my favorite types of characters: the ones that are messy, raw, and real.

Do you write messy characters? What are some examples from books/TV/movies, etc.?

Twitter-sized bite: 
Are your characters too perfect? @Ava_Jae vlogs about writing messy characters & why you may want to consider it. (Click to tweet)


  1. Messy characters are more interesting.....

  2. Ava, again with the cute & the on target You have the 'rare' distinction of being the ONLY vlogger I follow.

  3. Thanks, Morgyn! Glad you enjoyed the vlog! And thanks for the follow! :)

  4. I have to agree, messy characters are way better to read. Sometimes I just don't have the strength of willpower to actually write out the bad consequences and then it flops. Something to work on!

  5. Definitely! I've found that writing out the bad consequences can be kind of fun...painful, but fun. Or maybe that's just me.

    Trying to figure out how to get them out from under those consequences is a little less fun...but worth it. :)
