Fixing the First Page Giveaway Winner #8

Photo credit: Chuckumentary on Flickr
Quick super rare double post to announce the winner of the eighth fixing the first page feature giveaway! Are you ready?

The winner is…


Yay! Congratulations, Linda!

Thank you to all you lovely entrants! There will be another next month, so keep an eye out! :)


  1. I've been able to just copy and paste it from Word (a chapter at a time because that's how my Scrivener is set up), and it effortlessly carried over the comments. The Word comments are in the same place as Scrivener comments and when I click on the comments in Scrivener it highlights the section in the text part of Scrivener just as if I had put in the comment. Except I copied it from Word. So, in case anyone else is doing this, you might be able to copy and paste the whole thing and keep the Word comments. I'm on a Macbook Pro, in case that would somehow makes a difference. Just thought I would add this in case it helps anyone. :)

  2. No way! That's even better! And how does it handle Tracked Changes?

  3. Do you find that moving a manuscript back and forth between Word and Scrivener messes things like tabs and line spacing up? I end up with extra tabs every time I do this, so right now when I get CP comments in Word, I just open Word and Scrivener and flip back and forth between them on the screen, making changes as I go. For bigger changes, I often make myself a spreadsheet to work through, but that's the project-manager in me I guess!

  4. Well, I loathe tracking changes in Word, so I've never played with that. It's visually overwhelming for me. I did put it in revision mode in Scrivener as you discussed in your other post, and it's putting the new material in a different color. My copied Word comments are in the Scrivener word comment and disappear as I fix them. I didn't make any edits at all in Word though since, as I said, I hate tracking changes. It works for me, but it may not for everyone else. Your tracking changes/revisions is much more color coded than mine. :) I normally do edit in Word, but I've found with a large number of comments, it helps me to break it down chapter by chapter and focus on little chunks. This is my first time using Word comments in Scrivener, but it's working good for me so far.

  5. I'm going to have to try that out! If that works, it'd be waaaay easier than this important schtick. :)
