Vlog: How to Edit: The First Read Through

So you've finished your first draft and let it cool–now you're ready to edit. But where to begin? Today I'm talking about the first read through of your manuscript.


Twitter-sized bites: 
Ready to start editing? Writer @Ava_Jae vlogs about how to tackle the 1st read through of your WIP. (Click to tweet)  
How do you tackle the first read through of your WIP? Writer @Ava_Jae vlogs about her process. (Click to tweet


  1. This is timely for me. I finished a ms back at the end of summer, and I'm going to start revising in Jan! Not fiddling w/line edits is a good reminder for me too, as I do always want to start on that immediately.

  2. So glad to hear the timing worked out for you! I figured now was a good time since people are probably working on (or starting to work on) NaNo edits soon. :)

  3. Pulling out the first draft of my sequel tomorrow so this is great to watch. Very nice video!

  4. Thank you! So glad to hear you enjoyed it. Happy editing!
