3rd Blogoversary Giveaway Winners!

Photo credit: demandaj on Flickr
Short post today because RT is next week and I still have wayyyy too much to do. Yay!

I know you're all very excited to see who the winners of Monday's giveaway. I want to thank you all for entering and sharing and being awesome, as usual. You're all amazing!

Without further ado, here are our winners:

  • Winner of the query critique with up to three passes and up to five Twitter pitches critique package from Rae Chang is Farida Mestek
  • Winner of the query, synopsis and first chapter critique package from Vicki Leigh is Jayme Hunt
  • Winner of the query and first twenty-five page critique package from Naomi Hughes goes to Gina (with a MG Adventure)
  • Winner of the first fifty page critique from Alice goes to Katie Bucklein!
  • Winner of the query and first three chapter critique package from Cait Spivey goes to Braden Russell
  • And finally, the winner of the full reader report, also from Cait, goes to Madeline (with a NA SF Thriller)

Congratulations, winners! You'll be getting e-mails today with further instructions, so check your inboxes! And to everyone else, there will be more giveaways in the future. :)



  1. Kip Wilson RecheaMay 9, 2014 at 5:46 AM

    Congrats, winners! And congrats again on the Blogoversary! :-)

  2. You're very welcome! Enjoy your critique! :)

  3. Congratulations, everyone! This is such a valuable opportunity! And Happy Blogoversary, Ava dear. :)

  4. Thank you so much, Briana! ^_^

  5. Yae! Thank you for the opportunity! I'm so excited I can barely contain myself. .. Happy Third! ~Jay

  6. You're so very welcome, Jayme! I'm excited that you're excited. :) Thanks for entering and enjoy your prize!

  7. Hey. You changed your blog. And, woohoo! I finally get to see what you look like!
    Congrats to the winners. :)

  8. I did change my blog! And my avatar! And I vlogged! Yay! :)
